Hi Active Enthusiasts,
AirballingLA will host an Arrow Tag, also known as Archery Tag, and Bubble Soccer Event on the 25th of February at Roxbury Park in Beverly Hills (471 Roxbury Dr, Beverly Hills, CA 90212).
Archery Tag is similar to Paintballing except paintballs and guns are replaced with Bows and Arrows. It sounds fun! But, will it hurt? Glad you asked. Our Arrows have foam at the tip to ensure maximum safety. We also provide and require helmets during gameplay to prevent any type of head injury.
Bubble Soccer is tackle soccer. We provide Airballs, which you wear and use as a huge shield for your upper body, and a variety of soccer balls. You'll feel like you're playing football without the inherent dangers of that sport.
Cost per player will be $10.
Come join us for fun with our Bubble Soccer Rental and Archery Tag Rental in Los Angeles.
Here's a visual of Archery Tag.
AirballingLA has the best Archery Tag Rental and Archery Games in Los Angeles
Here's a visual of Bubble Soccer.
We provide the best Bubble Soccer Rental in Los Angeles